University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Procedure for the introduction of new drugs

The Medicines Management Advisory Group (MMAG) is responsible for the introduction of new drugs into the formulary.

When considering a new entry for the formulary, the primary concern of the MMAG is the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness compared to existing formulary alternatives, where available.

Where a non-formulary drug needs to be prescribed in the Trust, the "Procedure for the Introduction of New Drugs or Formulary Changes" must be followed. This sets out the criteria and the process for the introduction of a new drug. The procedure is available via the link below:

Procedures and forms for new drugs or formulary changes

Please note the link above will only be accessible from a computer connected to the UHB network.

If you have any queries, please contact:

For users at HGS sites:
For users at the QEHB site:

Drug status key

Formulary drugs are allocated a traffic light status. This provides guidance on where clinical and prescribing responsibilities lie in regard to the initiation and maintenance of prescribing.



Positive NICE TA and/or awaiting local clarification on place in therapy. Please contact your medicines optimisation team for more information.



Initiation and maintenance of prescribing by specialists only.



Initiation and maintenance of prescribing by specialists and transfer to primary care prescribing when appropriate, or in primary care following a specialists recommendation. Prior to initiation some medicines may require committee agreement or a framework to support safe transfer and maintenance.



Initiation and maintenance of prescribing by specialists, GPs and other qualified clinicians.



Under review at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

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