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Breast screening survey

Your views play a major role in ensuring the South Birmingham Breast Screening Service provides high quality care to our patients.

By completing the breast screening survey you will be helping us to develop and improve the services we provide to you.

We would like your views, experiences and opinions of the breast screening services we provide by completing the anonymous survey.

Screening location*
Please select your age group
Was this your first screening?
Were you screened in a mobile van or in hospital?
Were you happy with the location of your screening appointment?
What did you think of your screening invitation letter? (tick all that apply)
Did the “Helping You Decide” leaflet fully explain the breast screening process?
Did you need to change the screening appointment you were sent?
If you changed your appointment, how did you do this?
If you changed your appointment, how did you find this process?
What were your first impressions of the screening unit? (tick all that apply)
Did the person taking your X-ray give an explanation of the procedure before it took place?
How would you describe the X-ray? (tick all that apply)
Were you told how you would get your results?
Were you told how long you would have to wait for the results?
How were the staff during your visit?
How long after your appointment time did you have to wait for your X-ray?
If you waited more than 30 minutes, were you given a reason?
What prompted you to attend your breast screening appointment? (tick all that apply)
Where do you get information relating to your health issues from? (tick all that apply)
If you are in the screening age range you will be invited to attend breast screening again in three years. How likely are you to attend?
If you will no longer be in the screening age range in three years you can self-refer for breast screening. How likely are you to self-refer?
Would you encourage a friend, colleague or relative to attend breast screening?
During your last GP appointment, did your doctor or nurse mention breast screening or breast awareness to you?
What was the best thing about your screening visit? (tick all that apply)
What was the worst thing about your screening visit? (tick all that apply)
When would you prefer to attend breast screening? (tick all that apply)

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